Friday, 27 June 2014

7 Reasons Why You Will Never Do Anything Amazing With Your Life - A unique perspective on what it takes to succeed in life.

Yeah that’s right; you heard me… I’m talking to you… I’m calling you out.
I’m looking you in the eyes, (ok well, not really since you are probably reading this article, but figuratively, I am burning a cyclops type hole in your face right now) and telling you that you don’t stand a chance.
I’m telling you that if you can read this article, look through this list and not claim it as your own, then you should be a little worried.
Actually, you should be very worried. You should drop everything and immediately question your existence on earth. You should find a mirror, look yourself in the eyes, raise your hand and slap yourself in the face.
Got it? Now repeat that until you come to your senses and continue reading whenever you’re ready.

I’m Talkin ‘Bout Street Skills Son!

I’m not talking about the: study hard, party light, graduate top-of-your-class skills.
I’m not even talking about the: slack-off, skip class, smoke weed, drink and party but still graduate, skill-set your $50,000+ diploma has led you to believe you have.
“I’m talking ’bout, step out your door, make some moves, and get-some-shit-done, kind of skills! Some, move out your mama’s house, quit your job — say “fuck the world” — and then actually go do it, kind of skills”.
The kind of skills you develop in the real world, outside the bubble of your parents protection or the ideological indoctrination that has overwhelmed our entire educational system.
Skills that can be had by anyone willing to pay the price to get them. Skills that are quickly becoming extinct.
I’m talking about skills that cannot be taught in a classroom or in a textbook. Skills you can only learn by doing; by learning how to fly after jumping off the cliff.
Skills that can only be developed when you find your true self. When you put yourself on the line or otherwise expose yourself to the possibility of failure.
The skills you can only develop when you are willing to risk it all in order to do that one amazing thing.
Skills that up until now, you thought you had.

“Basically, what I am trying to tell you is that, in this game called life, you don’t stand a chance…

1 :: Because You Have Not Failed Enough

Because you are comfortable in your mediocrity; because you choose not to try.
Because it is easier to talk about learning that new (programming?) language as opposed to actually learning it.
Because you think everything is too hard or too complicated so you will just “sit this one out”, or maybe you’ll, “do-it-tomorrow”!
Because you hate your job but won’t get a new one; because it is easy to reject rejection.
Because while you’re sitting around failing to try, I am out there trying to fail, challenging myself, learning new things and failing as fast as possible.
Because as I fail, I learn, and then adjust my course to make sure my path is always forward. Like the process of annealing steel, I’ve been through the fire and pounded into shape. The shape of a sword with polished edges and a razor sharp blade that will cut you in half if you are not equally hardened.

2 :: Because You Care What Others Think About You

Because you have to fit in.
Because you believe that being different is only cool if you’re different in the same way that other people are different.
Because you are afraid to embrace your true self for fear of how the world will see you. You think that because you judge others, this means that those people must, in-turn, be judging you.
Because you care more about the stuff you have as opposed to the things you’ve done.
Because while you’re out spending your money on new outfits, new cars, overpriced meals or nights at the bar, I’ll be investing in myself. And while you try to fit in with the world I’ll make the world fit in with me.
Because I will recklessly abandon all insecurities and expose my true self to the world. I will become immune to the impact of your opinion and stand naked in a crowd of ideas; comfortable in knowing that while you married the mundane I explored the exceptional.

3 :: Because You Think You Are Smarter Than You Are

Because you did what everyone else did; you studied what they studied and read what they read.
Because you learned what you had to learn in order to pass their tests and you think that makes you smart.
Because you think learning is only something people do in schools.
Because while you were away at college, I was studying life; because instead of learning about the world in a classroom I went out and learned it by living.
Because I know more than any piece of paper you could ever frame from a university. Because smart is not what you learn, it’s how you live.
Because I might not have a degree but I challenge you to find a topic that I can’t talk to you about cohesively.
Because I could pass your tests if I had to, but you couldn’t stand for a single second in the face of the tests that life has thrown me. Tests that are not graded on a bell curve or by percentages; tests that are graded by one simple stipulation: survival!

4 :: Because You Don’t Read

Because you read the things you are required to read or nothing at all.
Because you think history is boring and philosophy is stupid.
Because you would rather sit and watch “E!” or “MTV” instead of exploring something new, instead of diving head first, into the brain of another man in an attempt to better understand the world around you.
Because you refuse to acknowledge that all the power in the world comes from the words of those that lived before us. That anything you desire can be had by searching through the multitude of words that are available to us now more abundantly than ever before.
Because you are probably not reading this article even though you know you should.
Because the people that are reading this already know these things.
Because you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink.

5 :: Because You Lack Curiosity

Because you get your news from copy-cat members of the state-controlled media.
Because you are unwilling to ask this simple question… “What if it’s all a lie?”, and accept the possibility that maybe it is; that just maybe, the methods of mass media are under direct orders to: keep you distracted.
Because you call me a know-it-all but refuse to call yourself a know-nothing-at-all.
Because I thirst for knowledge, regardless the topic.
Because while you’re busy playing Candy Crush, or Megalopolis, I am reading about string theory and quantum mechanics.
Because while you waste your time with Tosh.o I am learning how to edit video, build websites and design mobile apps.
Because if we were to go heads-up in a debate, I would crush you. I would make it a point to defeat my own argument; from every imaginable angle; in order to understand everything you might be able to use against me.
Because I would dedicate myself to understanding both sides of the argument so thoroughly that I could argue your side for you and win; even after having just handed you a defeat in the same debate.

6 :: Because You Don’t Ask Enough Questions

Because you do not question authority.
Because you don’t question yourself.
Because you don’t understand the power of properly placed questioning in life, respectful disagreements and standing up for what you know to be right in the face of someone telling you otherwise. Unable to question reality; stuck in a self imposed survival strategy within a matrix-style monotony.
Because I know that you will give me all the information I need to destroy you by letting you talk.
Because I study human behaviors and you ignore everyone but yourself.
Because I watch how you say the things you say just as closely as I listen to what you say; and you say way too much!
Because control comes, not from spewing your ignorance like some incurable case of logorrhea, but from properly structuring the context of your questions.
Because I study the premise of your argument and destroy it from the ground level before you even get a chance to establish your ideas.

7 :: Because You Can’t Handle The Truth

Because you refuse to admit that you don’t even know the things you don’t know.
Because there isn’t an article online that would make up for all the time you have wasted in life.
Because even if I told you everything could be different tomorrow you would wait until then to begin doing anything about it.
Because even when you think I’m not, I’m aware of my surroundings.
Because you think that since I have not acknowledged you, it means that I have not seen you.
Because, you walk around with your head up your ass, oblivious to the world around you. Blissfully ignorant of the reality that sits so close to your face that if you stuck your tongue out, just once, you would taste it and realize how delicious the truth actually is.
Because you would become an instant addict. Unable to pull yourself from the teat of truth. Finally able to understand your lack of understanding, and then you would see; then you would know that the only thing holding you back from doing something truly amazing, is you.
Raymmar Tirado

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

The Definition of Success, According to 5 Entrepreneurs


Although the definition of success is subjective, there seem to be some common themes among the ultra-successful about what success really means. Very rarely does it have to do with money alone. In fact, none of these five inspiring entrepreneurs mention money at all. No, success is something much more personal and universal -- it’s all in the meaning behind the action.
So here are five quotes about success from five mega-successful entrepreneurs.
“My definition of success? The more you’re actively and practically engaged, the more successful you will feel.” -- Richard Branson
Sir Richard Branson is the UK billionaire behind the Virgin Empire of brands that include mobile carriers, a record label and a series of international airline routes. Yet to Branson, what’s most important for success is that interactivity with the work itself.
What gets you fired up? What are you passionate about? The more you’re actively engaged in the work you love, the more successful you’ll feel and most likely from the feeling, become. Love what you do for maximum success.
“My definition of failure became not trying, not the outcome.” -- Sara Blakely
While Sara Blakely’s quote is technically the definition of failure, it’s the crux of what success is: to try and try and not be afraid of failure. Success comes to those who are willing to try and risk and fail and stand up to do it all over again.
Like Blakely says, failing isn’t the outcome, it’s not trying at all. Success can only come from being willing to fail. Considering that Blakely is the world’s youngest female self-made billionaire she seems innately qualified to talk about success and the need for your willingness to fail as part of the journey.
“I’m convinced that about half of what separates the successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful entrepreneurs is perseverance.” -- Steve Jobs
If the key to success thus far is that you must be willing to fail and be actively engaged in your work, the next step toward success must certainly be to persevere. Success can come slowly and as the result of many, many trials and years of effort. It’s those who quit, like those who never try, that won’t make it through to success.
Jobs reminds you that much of success in life is continuing to come back and keep going. It may seem easy to look at other entrepreneurs and assume their success came overnight, yet rarely is that the case. By the time these “overnight successes” come to your attention, they’ve usually put in years or even decades of long, hard work. Don’t quit.
“Remember: If the most unique ideas were obvious to everyone, there wouldn’t be entrepreneurs. The one thing that every entrepreneurial journey has in common is that there are many, many steps on the road to success.” -- Tori Burch
Tori Burch is the successful entrepreneur behind the Tori Burch fashion line brand. Burch talks a lot to other entrepreneurs about the importance of hard work and the belief in yourself to be and do your own unique thing.
Entering the fashion industry is certainly not a simple task, and it would be easy for an entrepreneur to think that in a crowded industry there was little room for success. Yet Burch has created a multi-billion dollar brand just by keeping true to the fashion and vision she loves and her belief that other women would want the same style.
Don’t get intimidated by others in your industry who are headed for success. Your journey will have lots of steps but ultimately being yourself and believing in what you have to offer will carry you through. 
“I like to be involved in things that change the world.” -- Elon Musk
From Paypal, Tesla, Solar City, to SpaceX, Musk has certainly been a man involved in things that are changing the world. Ultimately, that seems to be where his success comes from, and it gets back to Branson’s original point: Do the things you’re passionate about.
Musk wanted to change the market and the perception of the electric vehicle. He’s achieved that mission with Tesla. Put your power and your work behind the things you’re truly passionate about and you just might change the world. Musk certainly has.


Serial Entrepreneur, Mentor and co-founder of
Matthew Toren is a serial entrepreneur, mentor, investor and co-founder He is co-author, with his brother Adam, ofKidpreneurs and Small Business, BIG Vision: Lessons on How to Dominate Your Market from Self-Made Entrepreneurs Who Did it Right (Wiley). He's based in Vancouver, B.C.
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Monday, 9 June 2014

Interesting Pics on Making Money

Interesting Article on PR Guide (Canva)

Getting press attention can be one of the best ways to build your brand and get the word out about your company. But sparking media interest can be hard. Like everything else in business, it requires a well thought-out plan, a focus on building relationships and an articulate pitch.
Complete Guide to PR
PR has the ability to shape the story that you and others tell about your brand. It can change public perception and build momentum for your business.
Since launching eight months ago, we’ve been fortunate to get some good press here at Canva. However it takes a long time, and the onus is on you to convince reporters why your story is important. This post is a guide to PR based on our experience.
Before you start trying to get PR, give some thought to the following:
  • What’s your story?
  • Who will be interested?
  • When do you want to tell your story?
  • Why is it important now?
  • How is it unique?

1 Know what’s news

Know What's News
What have you done that’s newsworthy? One of the mistakes people make is pitching their company without thinking about what’s news. These are some of the main reasons you might pitch a journalist:
  • Company launch
  • Product launch
  • News or research
  • Response to a news event
  • Partnership
  • Funding or investment
  • An upcoming event
News needs to have something “new”. Make sure you’ve considered this before pitching. Journalists are always on the lookout for good stories, however won’t cover something that’s not newsworthy. You’ll often hear journalists ask about the “angle”, that is the hook that makes your story unique.

2 Be concise

Be Concise
Don’t waste a journalist’s time with pages of text about an announcement. Initially reach out with a short email introducing yourself and explaining the news you have to share. If they are interested, offer to send through a media release with more details.
According to research by Ragan, the most preferred methods for journalists to be pitched are Email, Phone, and LinkedIn. Find out how a journalist likes to be pitched by asking them the first time you make contact. You may even like to use a CRM like Highrise HQ to keep track of your previous conversations and information about what each journalist covers.

3 Pitch the right journalist

Pitch to the Right Journalist
Sending blanket emails or pitching a journalist who doesn’t cover your area (often called a ‘beat’ by journalists) is a big no-no. If you’re launching an app, don’t pitch a politics reporter. Okay, that’s an over-the-top example, but it’s an important point. If you’re launching a new app, find a journalist who tends to cover app launches.
Depending on your budget, you may like to try media database tools like VocusMeltwater or Cision. These services offer media databases which allow you to find contact details for relevant journalists.

4 Provide useful assets

Provide Useful Assets
Put together a press kit with all the relevant information. You can upload this to Dropbox or Google Drive. As a start, include the following elements:
  • Media release
  • High-quality press photos
  • Logos and screenshots (if applicable)
  • FAQ or fact sheets
  • Videos
The more you can provide, the easier it is for a journalist to write their story. Some publications will want to send their own photographer to get unique photos. Make yourself available for interviews and photographs. Think carefully about the image you want to convey. How does this impact what you wear, where you take photos and the information you provide?

5 Offer something unique

Offer Something Unique
What can you offer that is unique? A journalist doesn’t want to write the same story as another publication. You may want to think about offering an exclusive to one publication that you think would be the most interested or appropriate to cover your story. Are you pitching a longer form profile? Go to a magazine or outlet that writes features like Forbes or FastCompany. Is it funding news? Pitch a tech blog like TechCrunch.

6 Think long-term

Think Long-Term
We’ve had a number of big launches now at Canva. Some of the journalists who we started speaking to when we raised our seed round a year ago have only recently covered us. Other still haven’t, but have asked to be kept in the loop.
Treat PR like any other business relationship. You need to invest energy and time in getting to know different journalists. Do your best to respond quickly with relevant information, and don’t be pushy. We all hate being harassed by salespeople on the phone. Remember every time you speak to a journalist you are adding to their impression of you. Make sure you’re building a good relationship.

7 Conclusion

Public relations is the way that you present your business to the world. It is the brand you build. Start by thinking about the story you want to tell, then determine which channels you can use to share that story. Before you start pitching journalists, think about the story you want to tell and whether it is timely and relevant.


Friday, 6 June 2014

Famous Geniuses and Coffee Addiction

I love coffee. I really mean it and I want to share this super interesting article. Maybe you love coffee as much as I do? ;)


1. Johann Sebastian Bach wrote a short opera about coffee obsession.
The famed Baroque composer and pianist was also a notable coffee fiend. Though he's not well regarded for his humor, he turned an amusing poem by his frequent collaborator, Picander, into The Coffee Cantata in 1732. The cantata mocked public outcry about the rise of the Vienna coffeehouse scene. At the time, coffee was regarded as a dangerous societal "vice."

2. Ludwig Van Beethoven took his coffee with exactly 60 beans per cup.
The notoriously temperamental Beethoven once asked the above question wryly after frightening away an unwelcome companion. The famed composer was obsessive about his coffee, and would count by hand 60 beans per cup, according to his biographer

3. Benjamin Franklin hung out at coffee shops before it was cliche.
While living in London, Franklin lived the sweet life of the coffee shop freelancer, where he would hold political meetings, play chess and just hang out listening to good conversations. He even instructed his sister to send his mail to his favorite London coffee shop. Ever the industrious businessman, Franklin sold his own coffee beans, and he advised never embarking on a boat travel without one's own coffee provisions, as the captain might run out.

4. Voltaire is said to have drunk 40-50 cups of coffee a day.
Voltaire, the famous satirist who wrote "Candide," is perhaps one of the most avid coffee addicts in history. He reportedly consumed somewhere between 40 and 50 cups of joe a day, apparently of a chocolate-coffee mixture. He lived into his eighties, though his doctor warned him that his beloved coffee would kill him.

5. Søren Kierkegaard took his coffee with approximately 30 sugar cubes, give or take a giant scoop.
at any rate
Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard was quite particular about his coffee preparations, piling a mountain of sugar into his cup, then pouring black coffee in to dissolve it. He also had 50 different coffee cups, and he would ask his secretary to select one, and give a valid philosophical reason for his choice. The above quote is from his personal writings.

6. Teddy Roosevelt drank a gallon of coffee a day.
The 26th U.S. president would typically add five to seven lumps of sugar to the drink, though he eventually switched to saccharine. 

7. L. Frank Baum had four or five cups of coffee with cream and sugar each morning.
The beloved writer and creator of the Wizard of Oz series relied on his morning joe to get his creativity flowing. He'd drink with breakfast upon rising at 8 a.m.

8. Margaret Atwood has her own coffee line.
The Canadian poet lent her name to a Balzac’s Coffee Roasters’ "Bird Friendly" blend to raise money for Canada’s Pelee Island Bird Observatory. Atwood's breakfast consists solely of coffee, with cream or steamed milk, and she enjoys the occasional espresso shot.

9. David Lynch has anywhere from four to seven cups of coffee a day -- with plenty of sugar.
Noted coffee aficionado David Lynch has famously featured the beverage in his films and on his TV show, Twin Peaks. He even launched his own David Lynch Signature Organic line of organic coffee.

Infographics on Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding Generates More Than $60,000 an Hour (Infographic)

The Top 5 Pinterest Marketing Myths

Myth No. 1: Pinterest is another social media-channel. Whether your customers use Pinterest as a source of inspiration, a planning tool or a form of self-expression, it is fundamentally not about being social. Commenting and interacting with companies isn’t nearly as prevalent as on Facebook or Instagram, for example. When someone repins something from your company, he or she is doing it to swipe the image for his or her own curated board rather than to socialize with your firm. It’s a nod that the person likes what you’ve posted, but it’s rarely a conversation starter.
Myth No. 2: Pinterest is a sales channel, too. On the heels of Pinterest’s four-year anniversary, a lot is being written about its power. Sure, it may result in sales, and you may even be one of the lucky companies that enjoys the incredibly high rates of conversion (from a lead to a sale) I keep reading about. As Pinterest puts it in its own section for businesses, however, the intent is to “use your boards to show your values, personality, and taste.” It’s not about hard conversions.
At my company, UGallery, the few times that members of our team tried to shift Pinterest from a brand-marketing tool to an explicit sales tool, we immediately lost followers. The key thing to keep in mind is that not all consumer-products companies are the same. Unless your company is in a specific category (such as food or fashion) with a certain price point ($80) and targeting a certain demographic (females), it’s likely to fall short in generating sales return on investment. Brand lift is the more expected outcome.
Myth No. 3: Pinterest is all about the visual experience. Actually captions matter. Many companies continue to ignore captions. Staffers use the default caption when they repin something or add a quickie without much thought. Or even worse, they provide no caption at all! Captions are companies' only opportunity to brand the pin and put their stamp on it. Furthermore, captions factor into the search results algorithm and can help ensuring a company's pin gets in front of the right people. So a shorter caption, while generally considered the standard, isn’t always the ideal.
Myth No. 4: Pinterest drives amazing referral traffic. Recent reports show that Pinterest drives more referral traffic than Twitter, StumbleUpon, Reddit, YouTube, LinkedIn and Google+ combined. That’s impressive. The challenge is deciphering whether that’s meaningful traffic and understanding how to make it so if it isn’t.
My company originally found it had very high bounce rates from Pinterest traffic, higher than any other source. (The bounce rate refers to the percentage of visitors to my company's website who navigated away from the site after viewing only one page.) As it turns out, more than 75 percent of Pinterest use is now on mobile or tablet devices. My company didn’t have a mobile-friendly site, so all that traffic brought in was leaving immediately. The day UGallery launched its mobile site, the bounce rate for Pinterest traffic dropped 15 percent. We also created custom landing pages for a few of our top, most viral pins, so that users could have a personalized experience on the site.
If Pinterest drives amazing referral traffic for your company when it comes to the numbers, make sure your site is designed to offer an amazing experience, too. 
Myth No. 5: Your 9 to 5 social media manager is getting it done. According to recent research, weekends and nighttime (specifically 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. EST) is prime time for Pinterest users. If your company pins mostly during the workday, you will miss out on valuable eyeballs. The good news is there are plenty of affordable publishing tools to help schedule pins, so you can take advantage of the peak hours without burning the midnight oil or skipping Coachella.
Ultimately, Pinterest is more than just a social-media or sales channel. It’s a truly unique tool for someone to discover and use to express his or her taste. I am honored when someone chooses UGallery content to create a  Pinterest board. It’s the redefined form of relationship building between a company and a customer in the digital era.

Fantastic Online Marketing Infographics

Online marketing is getting more popular and important. Now marketing is trying to reach out to potential targets through social media like Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Pinterest etc, etc. I have collected them over the web from different sources (,,,,,,,,, just to have in one place.
20. Bridging the Gap between Offline and Online Marketing
19. Five Steps to Online Marketing Success
17. Effective Internet Marketing
15. Top 5 Online Marketing Mistakes
13. Online Marketing
9. The Science of B2B online marketing
6. 20 Things You Should Know About Online Marketing
4. State of Digital Marketing
3. Online Marketing Strategies
1. Path to Online Marketing Success

Thursday, 5 June 2014

How to Become a Millionaire by Age 30

Here are the 10 steps that will guarantee you will become a millionaire by 30.
1. Follow the money. In today’s economic environment you cannot save your way to millionaire status. The first step is to focus on increasing your income in increments and repeating that. My income was $3,000 a month and nine years later it was $20,000 a month. Start following the money and it will force you to control revenue and see opportunities.
2. Don’t show off -- show up! I didn’t buy my first luxury watch or car until my businesses and investments were producing multiple secure flows of income. I was still driving a Toyota Camry when I had become a millionaire. Be known for your work ethic, not the trinkets that you buy.
3. Save to invest, don’t save to save. The only reason to save money is to invest it.  Put your saved money into secured, sacred (untouchable) accounts. Never use these accounts for anything, not even an emergency. This will force you to continue to follow step one (increase income). To this day, at least twice a year, I am broke because I always invest my surpluses into ventures I cannot access.
4. Avoid debt that doesn’t pay you. Make it a rule that you never use debt that won’t make you money. I borrowed money for a car only because I knew it could increase my income. Rich people use debt to leverage investments and grow cash flows. Poor people use debt to buy things that make rich people richer.
5. Treat money like a jealous lover. Millions wish for financial freedom, but only those that make it a priority have millions. To get rich and stay rich you will have to make it a priority. Money is like a jealous lover. Ignore it and it will ignore you, or worse, it will leave you for someone who makes it a priority.
6. Money doesn’t sleep. Money doesn’t know about clocks, schedules or holidays, and you shouldn’t either. Money loves people that have a great work ethic. When I was 26 years old, I was in retail and the store I worked at closed at 7 p.m. Most times you could find me there at 11 p.m. making an extra sale. Never try to be the smartest or luckiest person -- just make sure you outwork everyone.
7. Poor makes no sense. I have been poor, and it sucks. I have had just enough and that sucks almost as bad. Eliminate any and all ideas that being poor is somehow OK. Bill Gates has said, "If you’re born poor, it’s not your mistake. But if you die poor, it is your mistake."
8. Get a millionaire mentor. Most of us were brought up middle class or poor and then hold ourselves to the limits and ideas of that group. I have been studying millionaires to duplicate what they did. Get your own personal millionaire mentor and study them. Most rich people are extremely generous with their knowledge and their resources.
9. Get your money to do the heavy lifting. Investing is the Holy Grail in becoming a millionaire and you should make more money off your investments than your work. If you don’t have surplus money you won’t make investments. The second company I started required a $50,000 investment. That company has paid me back that $50,000 every month for the last 10 years. My third investment was in real estate, where I started with $350,000, a large part of my net worth at the time. I still own that property today and it continues to provide me with income. Investing is the only reason to do the other steps, and your money must work for you and do your heavy lifting.
10. Shoot for $10 million, not $1 million. The single biggest financial mistake I’ve made was not thinking big enough. I encourage you to go for more than a million. There is no shortage of money on this planet, only a shortage of people thinking big enough.
Apply these 10 steps and they will make you rich. Steer clear of people that suggest your financial dreams are born of greed. Avoid get-rich-quick schemes, be ethical, never give up, and once you make it, be willing to help others get there too.