Sunday, 12 October 2014

20 Sunday Questions

1 What you have learned the last week? - If you have a problem with the answer to this question, it is time for a change. Your age does not matter, you have to learn something new every week. 

2 What is your greatest achievement in the past week? - Thinking about your achievements - a good reason to feel a sense of confidence and satisfaction. It is also an effective way to track your progress. 

3 What was the most memorable thing that happened to you last week and why? - So you will be able to discover new interests, goals and preferences, as well as diversify you pastime. 

4 What is the goal №1 that you need to accomplish coming week? - Everything else is secondary, and should be treated that way. However do not forget about all the secondary objectives. 

5 What can you do right now so your next week will be less stressful? - Check reminder in your calendar: go for groceries, do laundry, put petrol to the car. So you can organize yourself. 

6 What is that something you've struggled in the past can affect the upcoming week? - The idea is to learn from the experience of this struggle and better prepare yourself for such situations in the future. 

7 What have you wasted your time on last week? - Try to avoid this in the future. Limit yourself to what distracts you from your goals. 

8 Are you taking something "heavy" from your part week? - Whether it is physical or psychological disorder, it should be eliminated. Remove from your head and life space all unnecessary things creating disorder.

9 What things do you avoid but you need to do? - Draw a table, where next to each of your tasks will indicate the time you want to spend on it. Monday morning start with fulfilling those tasks that take 2 minutes or less. 

10 What opportunities are on the surface? - If they are still available and you want to get them, make a plan how to do it next week. 

11 Is there anyone who you want to talk to and haven't found time last week? - Regular communication can resolve the conflict before it comes to its culmination. Maintain relationships with the people around you. 

12 Is there anyone who you need to say "Thank you"? - Every week take time to thank the people who helped you. Your gesture will not remain unnoticed. 

13 Is there anyone you want to help? - The best way to get what you want is to help others get what they want. People remember the good, and when you need help, they are happy to provide it. 

14 What are your top 3 goals for the next 3 years? - You will never succeed in life if you do not set realistic goals for yourself. 

15 Which of your recent actions have got you closer to your goal? - If you can not remember one, it's time to change something. 

16 What is your next step to achieve your main goal? - Knowledge of each step is the key to achieving it. 

17 What is that are you looking forward to in the coming week? - The answer can be you motivation. If you can not answer this question, find yourself what you need to wait. Keep on being motivated. 

18 What are your fears? - Consciously refer to your fears each week and slowly work on getting rid of them. 

19 What are you most thankful for? - This is a good way to look at things in perspective, and not to lose anything from your sight

20 If next week was the last in your life, how would you spend it? - Life is short. Spend more time with loved ones longer.

To have this Sunday Workbook, please, go HERE.

Saturday, 11 October 2014

7 Ways to Miss a Sale

1 Premature reaction to customer complaints 

Despite the fact that it is possible and it is necessary to anticipate possible criticism of consumers towards goods or services and to prepare for it, there is nothing worse than to come up with a problem connected to your product/service and try to respond to it to your customer who hast't said it aloud yet.

Trying to explain something in advance, you are automatically in a defensive position and look unsure of the true values that are selling. 

How to avoid this situation: When dealing with a potential customer, never start the phrase with the words: "You may be wondering ..." or "You may ask yourself ..." 

2 Give the initiative to customer to lead conversation 

How often promotional mailing end with offers to potential clients to call or contact the addressee in another way in the case of "if you're interested," or "to find out more." And how often the authors of these mailings are complaining that they do not receive any response. 

No wonder: they are asking the client to do their work for them. 

How to avoid this situation: Keep the ball in your territory. Instead of above mentioned proposals write something like: "I'll call you next week to discuss the possibilities of our future cooperation." 

3 Sale of characteristics instead of the real effect of customer problem being solved 

Unbelievable but true: some marketers really believe that consumers buy a product because it has some desired functionality. So they continually list those same functions with the hope that at least one of them will awake interest in a potential customer. 

In fact, customers are primarily interested in the impact that the purchase will have on their lives or businesses. 

How to avoid this situation: Find out why your target customer wants to buy your product and not someone else's. And sell it using the characteristics of your product as possible arguments to ensure this result. 

4 Hypocritical credibility 

Like it or not, but at the very moment when your customer starts thinking you just want to sell him something and nothing else, you enter into an uphill battle for his confidence in your product. The most common variant of this tactic - first of all during the "cold" call to ask "How are you feeling?", "How are you?". People start feeling sick of your call. 

How to avoid this situation: Keep your dignity and professionalism, do not to go beyond the conventional forms of politeness - as long as you do not actually win the credibility of the person, which could take weeks. 

5 Failure to fulfill promise 

The sad truth is for consumers sales are people who are by default, crooks, until proven otherwise. Building relationships with clients to the degree of trust is a long way. 

So, don't count on sympathy until you fulfill everything that agreed with the client on. One failure - and you're out of the game. 

How to avoid the situation: Take one obligation at a time and only those obligations that you are 100% sure. 

6 More chatting than attention to detail 

One of the most common mistakes. When you have something to sell, so easy to fall into a certain agitation and then try to "force the deal" by your own eloquence. Clients actually find this extremely annoying. 

How to avoid this situation: Redefine the sales process in your mind as a passive activity for the most part, which is primarily in listening to the customer's wishes, attention to detail and responding to his words and actions. 

7 Interpretation of "closing the deal" as "the end of the process" 

Maybe it's a consequence of a failure of terminology, but most companies and individual entrepreneurs perceive "closing the deal" as the end of all the actions.

This is just THE beginning. When you close the deal the next step to be is you start to build a relationship that could result in long-term cooperation. 
And it is much easier and more profitable than the conclusion of a deal. 

How to avoid the situation: Always keep in mind the long-term partnership, not a one-time winner. Provide the best customer service to show that the greener grass is on your side.

3 Things to Learn Before Becoming and Entrepreneur

1 time management

People talk about it a lot, but majority of them have no idea or never owned this skill. The essence of time management is to learn not to put off the most important things for later. 

Never deal with a bunch of "urgent" small things that do not work towards achieving your goals. Try to delegate them. If you decide to build your business learn to manage your own time. Do not tighten yourself in an endless abyss of solving problems in the family, with children, and other small household problems. Do business is you started to.

Successful entrepreneurs are able and know how to plan the working day, week and month, know the secrets to setting goals for the day, which they immediately reach. 
Everything you need to know about time management - is that it's just a habit that will save you time and help with business growth. 

Try on a new way of living and thinking, and I'm confident you will enjoy and surely become a successful entrepreneur. 

2 before you start a business stop being suspicious 

They say that vanity - the worst vice. But in business, the worst can be only one - mistrust in yourself, your skills and abilities, being suspicious. Starting entrepreneur thinks he must first explore all because he did not know how to start, keep, grow and do things. 

All this is nonsense! While you sharpen your skills in something and try to learn, then most likely someone will bypass you and your idea compensating the lack knowledge of arrogance and adaptability to circumstances. It makes no sense to re-read a lot of clever books on business doing nothing in practice. Learn in the process! This is the greatest secret that will help you on your way to success, and can not be otherwise. 

3 before you create a business, learn to be indifferent

You won't be able to build a business, if you are constantly "bitten" by your own doubts, and you constantly worry what kind of results you have achieved today. The only way to succeed is to be indifferent. You'll meet obstacles on the path to success, but you should always be the same. And even then, when you will have great sales, you can smile, but with indifference. 

Remember, all your strength in indifference.  Step over and move on!

Friday, 10 October 2014

How to Set Goals. Old Like World Story and Very Useful

How to Set Goals 


In order to set effective goals, firstly, you need to be clear and clearly understand WHY you set goals. You need to understand what objectives should be to achieve maximum efficiency on the way to your goals. 

Before setting goals you need to understand: 
1 What for do you need to set goals? 
2 What are goals that you set? 


In the second step, take a piece of paper and a pen. 
Now imagine that from this moment 10 years have passed. Describe in detail how you live, how to spend your time, what you do. The more detailed your description is, the easier it will be in the stage of setting goals. 

There is the first very important condition: 
Write as if all this is happened.

That is, if you write that you want to make $ 10,000 / month, $ 11,000 / month, you'll never get. Assume that you set yourself a maximum upper limit not the one you dream of but the max you think you can reach. 

The second important condition: 
Write a lot and in detail - at least 2 pages of A4 typed or 4 A4 pages of written text. 
This is just my advice on the topic, how to set goals. You are not required to comply with them, but try to fulfill, and suddenly everything will turn out the best way. 

Here is a list of areas to make it easier to create a description for setting goals: 

1 Your job / business 
What are you doing 
How much revenue you have 
What is your level of responsibility 
How many people do you manage 
What prestige you have in your employment 
How many hours a day you work 
How many sources of income  do you have
What are the sources of income 
2 Family 
What lifestyle I provide for my family 
What are my relationships within the family 
Where do we live 
In one house and the apartment we live 
How do we arrange holidays
Where do we arrange holidays
How much time I spend with my family 
What are your cars 
3 Social services 
Do I have friends 
Which social groups I belong to
What are the benefits I bring to society 
How can I positively influence this world 


Now as you write the text, you can easily identify your goals. 

And you have a clear description of the following things: 
1 House / Apartment 
2 business (s) / work 
3 holiday s
4 cars etc.. 
5 things to do 
6 traveling 
7 family
8 your contribution to the society


Check whether you have set goal characteristics of effective goals. If yes, proceed to the next step. If not, go back to step 2 and make changes. 


Now, for each of your goals you need to have the most accurate representation. That is, you have to know specifically what kind of car you want. Not suitable just say Mercedes. It must be said Mercedes-Benz CLK 500 silver. 
Required parameters: 

1) Brand 
2) the model 
3) Color 
4) body type (coupe, sedan, convertible, wagon, pickup, minivan, etc.). 
The point is, that in your mind should be a very clear picture of what you want. It's like the camera, move the maximum sharpness. 

TIP: Find a suitable picture of your target, print it and hang it on the wall. 


Choose your most important goals. 
Here you have a list of 20 goals. Imagine that you can achieve only one goal from the list. Which would you choose? Circle this goal. Then, choose the next target on the same principle. Have the second priority target, and then the third. These are your 3 most important goals. Focus on their implementation. 


Every day come back to three goals. Think about them as often as possible, imagine yourself having those things. Live them. Make yourself comfortable with these things. Do this at least 2 times a day.

AND it won't make you waiting! They will come true!

Friday, 3 October 2014

7 Questions Helping with Right Choice

How to make the right choices in work, business and life, which you will never have to regret. Something from a dream world, heh? 

I want to tell you about the amazing and very simple technique with 7 questions that will assess the situation from different points of view, get rid of doubts and bring the ability to make the right choice to a new level. I have read about thing long time ago and found really useful. So sharing valuable stuff :)

WARNING: The answers will not always be like you, but in the end they will help you make the right decision. 

1 What would you chose, if not your fear? 

Unfortunately, too many decisions in our lives are taken for us on behalf of our own fears and stereotypes. Of course, successful businessman approach to the risks means person makes own choice, and also conscious about their fears. If you feel you have fears that create obstacles - write them down. Work through the list of all doubts and fears and carefully with someone who will help you to be objective. Sometimes the choice that we are scared of is the best for us. 

2 What would you chose, if not for money? 

Do you think that many great ideas have not been implemented due to lack of money? Or money missing due to the fact that these ideas were not implemented? Will you refuse your development and moving forward, if you feel that you don't have enough money? May sound unreal and coming from dream world but if you made ​​the right choice - you will always find the money. Remember about crowd-funding. You can also ask for help your relatives, friends, acquaintances, or just give your network to know what you are looking for an investor. And let money, or rather lack of them, never stop you. 

3 What is the best and the worst that could happen? 

As a continuation of the previous two questions - draw on your paper mind map of all the possible consequences of all possible solutions. List the positive, negative, and minor tangible results that will lead to your choice. In most cases, the best solution would be so obvious. 

4 What previous experience has taught me? 

Any experiences - whether it's positive or negative - give us valuable lessons. Losses in our lives only occur when learnt no lesson from what happened. Take-off - it's the same valuable lesson, as well as fail experience. Remember what happened and think what to do different in same situation? 

5 Is it in my opinion? Shares my point of view? 

Ask yourself: do you really need it, or do you agree that you need it, although you make turn in the direction you don't want to go? After all, one of the main success factors is a sequence, so always keep in mind to question yourself whether a decision you are making is in the scope of your vision? 

6. What do my body and soul tell me? 

Remember your last choice that you regret - is your inner voice or the body did not give you signals that was better not to do so? If you feel physical discomfort when making a decision, or your inner voice quietly talks against your potential choice in life - listen to these signals. They may not coincide with what you are lean at the moment, but the subconscious is much more visible, as this choice will affect you in the future. 

7 How will I watch myself in the mirror tomorrow? 

Finally, about the future. What will you feel the next day after it will take a decision? If you are pride of it and  having a burst of energy and inspiration - you are on the right track. If you notice a shame or regret - do not ignore those feelings. If you are experiencing them now - prepare for the worst. 

For a complete picture, think what you will experience as a result of you choice in a week / month / year. Take your time to think about the right decision.