Friday, 28 November 2014

10 Mistakable Points of View When Opening

Probably the person who never thought about opening his own business doesn't exist. At least the time for thinking about this hasn't come for this guy yet :) Everyone makes mistakes so the entrepreneurs beginners. However at least those 10 can be avoided or minimized at the early stage.

Mistake 1. To open a business you need a lot of money

This one is probably the most common thing. If you have a great idea and you are willing to act that won't stop. Why? Because your initial investment is your time and efforts and getting money for implementation is secondary just because you can get in on the go and lots of things are FREE. And you can use a lot of free ways to get your initial funds even without asking investors or funds etc. Also so many grants exist to fund great idea. Research locally! Still questioning yourself how?? ASK ME then I will guide you.

Mistake 2. To open a business you need network of specific people

Similar to previous one. In you haven't started your own business where will the network appear? I'm not talking about family business in this case. As far as you move ahead with your idea and business you will start getting in touch with people and companies you need for your business and it will grow and it all depends on you. Proven fact.

Mistake 3. No clear vision of what you want to do

No idea means no business. You need to understand clearly what you want to sell, produce or supply. It doesn't matter whether your idea is yours and unique or you borrowed/copied it from somebody else. You need to have the idea and understanding what is behind it i.e. steps to take, processes, results to achieve.

Mistake 4. No business plan

Consider business plan as steps to implement your idea. Your idea is an objective in this case and business plan is an action plan. Consider the resources you need to put all on paper. "I have all in my head" - NOT WORKING. Trust me as soon as you start writing you will find out more things to do, actions to take and even new ideas will come.

Mistake 5. Opinion you need specific skills and knowledge to start your business

Sure about that? Have a look in the web and search for article about Steve Jobs or Bill gates. Did you know they haven't finished universities and? Life is the best teacher and believe me that majority of the knowledge you get from universities won't be helpful because life, technology and everything changes so quickly that it can't be implemented in the curriculum same quick and the knowledge you get will prevent you from thinking as you will constantly try to use the templates and frames you have learnt instead of thinking on your own.

Mistake 6. Too much of self confidence

Good and bad. Be careful about this one. Stop thinking you are a super lucky guy and act planning ahead and thinking ahead. Surely mistakes will be made however take them as an experience and try to avoid in the future.

Mistake 7. Listening to other people's advice. Listening too much!

Yes, don't listen. You do something they have never done to be different as they are. You are on your own at the beginning and be ready people won't support in majority of the cases. They don't really care however their nature is something that makes them give you advice and share point of view. Be ready to be against everyone and yes.. when you succeed they will always say that's them who helped. :) Find people who think like you or those who did similar stuff and learn from them. Much more useful as appeared to be in practice.

Mistake 8. Business for two..

When you do that and you trust still make sure to talk over details in advance. Never think best friends remain best friends. You never know. I think friendship or family relationship is a lot more important than business so make sure you avoid all potential problems that may potentially appear by having initial agreement about everything that possible comes to your mind before the big start.

Mistake 9. Leaving things till Monday or best moment

OK. easy here: you will never start if you don't act. Keep on postponing as someone is already implementing your great idea while you are waiting for your best moment and perfect conditions :)

Mistake 10. Not enough time

Oh yes! have you heard about time management and effective usage of your time? Well life is too short to waste unless that is your goal. So in case you want you can find time for things you want to do. Just a quick exercise for you: for 1 week write down everything you do hourly and you will easily find the things you do for which you don't get money. then make a simple calculation by multiplying the number of wasted hours by your average hourly rate and you will see how much money have you wasted. Still no time to start?

The way begins with the first step.

Thursday, 27 November 2014

7 Ways to Become a Man of Action

1. Stop waiting for ideal conditions

If you wait until conditions become ideal, you'll probably never start working. Almost always there will be something that will stop you. Either time an appointment is not suitable or market crashed, or excessively large competition in place. In this world there is no perfect time to start a business. You have to act and solve problems. The best time was last year. Second chance is right now.

2. Be a man of action

Train yourself in performing and acting rather than thinking your steps over. Trying to start to do sports? Need to talk to your boss about performance? Do it now. The longer lives an idea in mind, the weaker it becomes. After two or three days, the details begin to blur. A week later you forget your idea. Becoming a man of action, you will be able to do more and stimulate the emergence of fresh ideas.

3. Remember that ideas alone do not bring success

Ideas are important, although they become something substantial only when they are implemented. 1 implemented idea is worth a dozen of the smartest ideas whose owners are waiting for the best time to start. If you have an idea that you really believe in, do something. When you start you won't escape.

4. Use action to frighten your fears

Have you ever noticed that the most difficult part of taking a public speech is actually waiting for your turn? All professional speakers and artists feel the same excitement before performance or speech. As soon as they start talking, excitement disappears. Action is the best way to frighten your fear. The hardest thing to act is to take the first step and do something first time. As you start, you gain confidence, and it becomes easier and easier to keep on going. Eliminate fear by taking action and build on the success of confidence.

5. Start your creativity mechanism automatically

One of the worst misinterpretations of the creative process is that you should start working only when inspiration comes. If you wait until inspiration does not fall on your head you will act fairly infrequently and with long intervals. Instead of waiting for inspiration start working and creativity will come along. If you need to write something then take a pen and start doing that. Your brain will switch on the creativity mechanism as soon as you will start doing something.

6. Live in your present

Focus on what you can do now. Do not worry about what you should have done last week or what you will do tomorrow. The only time that you can change is now. Even if you think about yesterday or tomorrow you can't act in those times.

7. Act immediately

Usually people prefer to have a small talk before business meetings. The same happens to those who work alone. How often do you check your mailbox and Facebook before you start serious work? These distractions will cost you dearly if you do not learn to ignore them and get to work immediately. Starting to work immediately you will find out within yourself fresh sources of productivity see you as a leader and great manager of your own resources.

You need to be a very organized person to get down to business without the help of others, without a command from the above. This is probably why right motivation is the key. In companies managers have to find the right motivation for the employees to start and keep them concentrated on working. Do not miss the wave of your motivation. Acting people are always noticeable either for themselves when they have things done or for the managers in the companies by seeing them as high performers.

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

29.9 Manager Rules

1. Manager determines what are the abilities of a co-worker and gives him tasks and duties accordingly.
2. Manager is neither a nurse nor Mother Teresa.
3. The only task that manager has is to get a team, share tasks accordingly and bring the team to a working state.
4. The leaders are not born but you can become one.
5. There are millions of people who can perform and only few can lead to performance.
6. Team is gather for the manager.
7. With the change of manager, staff changes.
8. The more manager fulfills requests from the team members more they hate him.
9. If you are a leader start encouraging your team for the process of getting the result rather than result. People don't see the whole picture like you and they are not interested in the result that much.
10. The employee will never understand the manager.
11. Only the manager understands where he leads his team.
12. There is no such employee who will work out his salary at 100%.
13. The employee gets used to any level of earnings as a result of it he will be always unhappy with his salary.
14. The fastest tool to test employees is money.
15. If manager will try to understand the problems of every employee he will have no time to work.
16. Clearly defined tasks increase the efficiency of any employee.
17. The difference between manager and employee is in courage to take responsibility not only for himself but also actions of his employees.
18. Employee joins a team to shift some of responsibilities for his life on his manager.
19. If the majority of the staff can forget about work and responsibilities during the weekend, manager can not afford it.
20. Even in a team of two people is a determined supervisor.
21. The value of an employee is determined by the quality of the results he achieves.
22. The value of a manager depends on the quality of the results achieved by the team, which he leads.
23. The ability to lead is laid in the child's upbringing.
24. Manager fills the life his employees with meaning.
25. If all managers across the globe will disappear, people will die from hunger and strife.
26. Without manager employees turn into a crown that is run by weakness.
27. Manager should be a human in the first place.
28. The power of a managers of his firm faith in choosing the right path.
29. Responsible for a task should always be only one person.
29.9 Manager is the main person in the company. No leader - no company.

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

7 Web Marketing Lessons from a 6 year old Kid

Children see the world in a simple, but very wise perspective. We, as grown ups, apply everything we have learnt and whatever we have learnt is the experience exchange coming from our educational and social backgrounds, MBAs and master degrees. Kids see the world simpler and therefore the ideas they have are wise and unique. Interesting enough that if you have an idea and you are able to present it to a kid and this kid gets it, then everyone else with understand it.
So this is what I have learnt and willing to share.
1. We are skeptics
"Why should I do this? Why should I buy this unnecessary at first sight thing? Why do I need to eat vegetables? "- Six years old children and your target audience have one thing in common: they are constantly asking questions. This is their way to learn something new and, ultimately, become more intelligent.
Be prepared to honestly and quickly respond to all questions, so you will win the trust - either children or adults as your potential customers. Learn to find a common language with any companion and have a constructive dialogue.
Question: "Why should I deal with you?".
Correct answer: "We care about you, we have something that will help you succeed in business, something that will make your life better!".
Wrong answer: "We are targeting customers like you using methods of semantic analysis. The use of secret techniques allows us to get the highest ROI in the industry! ".
2. Incentives/right motivations make the world move forward
Ask six year old child to help you wash the dishes round 6 am on Saturday. Can you imagine what kind of face expression will you get in return? Now imagine that you wake the kid at the same time on Saturday morning to remind him that it's time to go for a long-awaited trip to the amusement park. You have a chance to see the most radiant smile in your life!
When designing landing pages, use a similar principle: make sure that your page has incentives that resonate with the goals and needs of the target audience. Offer visitors some reward for what they are, for example, fill out your lead form - a discount on merchandise, a free download trial version, download eBook, subscribe to the newsletter, and so on. i.e. give them an incentive that they can not but accept.
Question: "Why should I deal with you?".
Correct answer: "We will give you a chance to learn for free something new, we will help you free of charge succeed in your business."
Wrong answer, "Because I said so!".
3. "Serious" means "boring"!
Think about your childhood and lots of fun comes to mind and definitely not boring and endless "quiet hours", right? Now remember, both children and adults are in need for emotional involvement!
Business is a serious stuff, no doubt about it, and, of course, there are times when you need to put on a strict gray suit and go to the bank for a loan or take part in negotiations to sing an important contract. But when you write a title or other content for your landing page it does not need to be "buttoned": It is desirable to keep a balance between the serious meaning of your offer and an easy going tone of its presentation.
Do not be afraid to use some "frivolous" color and font design solutions for your offer, do not adhere to a strict formal tone (no extreme stuff!).
Question: "Why should I deal with you?".
Correct answer: "We are aggressive enough to achieve these objectives, we are able to laugh at our own mistakes, easy to perceive constructive criticism, and are not offended by comments made to us and you can with us  without harm to your mental health!". :)))
Wrong answer: (you silently demonstrate complicated black and white chart, made in Excel).
4. People are afraid of unwanted surprises
Remember the "good old days" when the entire Internet was winking as traffic lights, showing the wildest-looking graphics and animation published and the amazing sounds were heard when the page loaded? The effect produced by all this splendor on the inexperienced user was approximately comparable to the way children are hiding from the clown, invited by their parents to the sixth birthday. Adult clown seems ridiculous, but the kids run away in fright.
The same thing happens with the landing page: intrusive and unnecessary page elements deter users as the most "scary clown." Ease of graphic and text content landing page - this is your main priority.
Question: "Why should I deal with you?".
Correct answer: "We prefer a simple and intuitive design of the page, we want the user feel on it comfortably, our calls to action are to describe what will press on this button the downloading of a file begins or you sign up for our webinar, and so on."
Wrong answer: "Click here!".
5. Everyone loves pleasant surprises
Scary clown from childhood falls into the category of unpleasant surprises. But there are also pleasant surprises! Keep this in mind when communicating with your target audience: send to your subscribers or leads unexpected, but pleasant, to be exact a free and useful information/offer. Get used to think beyond as your subscription base may, for example, become a full-fledged information channel that can help to retain existing and attract new customers (instantaneous conversion advertising messages/mails usually leads to failure).
Question: "Why should I deal with you?".
Correct answer: "Because we want you to be happy."
Wrong answer: "Because we know better what is good for you and healthy!".
6. Simplicity and elegance
Without any doubt, our adult world is suffering from information overload. In a world of six-year olds the situation is better as the child is not yet saturated with useless knowledge and information, his world is simple and it is a place of fantasy. Check out this statement by experimenting: encourage your child to choose from the most popular video game on the market and a simple cardboard box and he is likely to choose the box that the power of his imagination can turn into anything - a racing car, a tank or a spaceship.
Children have an amazing ability to turn simple things into genuine works of art, give them a pencil and a sheet of paper, and you make sure that the children's possibilities are endless. Your landing pages should be so simple that they could use and child. A lot of choice - you have already seen it from both consumer and web marketer perspective - often leads users to a deny any choice and run away.
Question: "Why should I deal with you?".
Correct answer: "We increase customer loyalty by bringing them to your site, especially if they are already interested in your product."
Wrong answer: "Our re-targeting techniques are based on complex semantic models for manipulating user behavior."
7. People need only structured information
Children go to kindergarten to get basic life skills for the real world. The most important of these skills are learning the basics of a structured thinking. Growing up, people use the same method to achieve the highest professionalism: a boy that was making a tower out of blocks can become a worldwide recognized architect and a very sociable kid can become a UN Secretary General. But the basic elementary knowledge is literacy and numeracy that our heroes acquired in childhood.
Same with the target audience as your user first sees your brand, hitting on your landing page. Take the time to give him a basic understanding of why it is beneficial to cooperate with you. Give the user an opportunity to learn more about you the most simple and easy way. This is facilitated by a persuasive text offer, intuitive call to action, a simple and attractive design of the page.
Question: "Why should I buy your product / service?".
Correct answer: "Look at this video and you will understand that we are the best design Bureau!".
Wrong answer: "Our products speak for themselves. Unless you are so stupid that they can not understand it? ".