Wednesday, 30 April 2014
Step 9. Networking Rocks
Ways to network:
- aim target people by networking - those who will be interested in your product or service
- no aiming: just network with your present surroundings and reconnect with your past. Not massively time consuming and can bring spread of the word about your business and even some day reach your target.
Tuesday, 29 April 2014
Nice one: 101 Ways To Promote Your Online Store
There are so many ways you can promote and advertise your online shops. It is crazy to follow them all. Select those that you are comfortable with and start your internet marketing now. I will be adding on to the list whenever I come across new ways to promote your store.
- Submit your stores/websites to search engines. Example: Dmoz, Google, MSN and many more.
- Put your websites/blogs/stores/lenses links in your email signature. Make sure that your friends/family members/employees email signatures have your links too.
- Forward interesting information, news, photos, videos, jokes, sad stories and all kinds of junk mails to your friends. Your friends will forward these mails to their friends. Make sure that you forward these mails to friends that like to receive them, not to those that hate junk mails.
- Put your websites/blogs/stores/lenses links in your forum signature. Make sure the forum that you have joined allow that.
- Join and participate in niche forums related to your products.
- Use a funny/attention seeking user name whenever you register for a social networking site/forum/Squidoo and more.
- Create lenses with Squidoo. Make one lens for your store and make different lenses for your different products. Link all related lenses together.
- Make useful comments on other people lenses. Your user name will links back to your "My Squidoo" page which links to all your lenses. Do not spam.
- Submit your new lenses to Reddit, Digg, Stumpedia and more.
- Use Lensroll at your side bar of your lens to lensroll related lenses to your lenses.
- Join and participate in Friendster, MySpace, Multiply, Xanga, Facebook, and more
- Build a fan page in Facebook.
- Make your own video about your products or stores. Remember to put your links in your video.
- Use keywords, descriptions, in your video file name and submission.
- Submit your videos to Metacafe, YouTube, MySpace, Digg Videos,, AOL Video, Google Video, GoFish,Vimeo, Yahoo Video and more.
- Create a video sitemap on your store/websites when you have a few videos. Make a lens about your videos.
- Add your video to your stores, websites and blogs.
- Create and blog
about your products and stores. Example: Blogger, MySpace, Wordpress and more.
- Feed and ping your store blogs. Icerocket, BlogExplosion, Technorati, Weblogalot, Pingomatic, Pingoat, and more.
- Offer different RSS/social bookmarking option on your blog. Example:, StumbleUpon and more.
- Use good keywords in your blog titles.
- Submit your store blogs to blog directory. Example: BlogExplosion, Weblog Directory, We Blog A Lot, and many many more.
- Post useful, honest, comments on other niche blogs related to your products or stores. Do not spam.
- Make sure that your posting on your blog is fresh. Keep updating.
- Create a podcast about your products and store.
- Submit your podcast to iTunes, Odeo, Podcast Alley, PodOmatic and more.
- Create newsletters for your store. You may want to host with MailChimp or YourMailingListProvider. I am usingMailChimp and I am loving it. You can see some of my newsletters here.
- Offer freebies or special sales to newsletter subscribers when they sign up.
- Include discount coupons, sale and promotion, new products, feature products, holidays and events products in your newsletters. Remember to include your store address.
- Keep an archive of your old newsletters in your store.
- Promise your newsletter subscribers that you will not sell, share their email with outside parties and you will not spam them before they sign up.
- Let your subscribers know how often you will send them your newsletters before they sign up.
- Put your newsletters opt-in form on your store/blog/lenses/websites.
- Submit your products and stores to classifieds. Put your advertisement on areas where most of your customers came from. Example: Ebay Classified, ABW, Craigslist and more.
- Look for niche classifieds for your products. Submit to them.
- Submit your product feed to Google Merchant Center.
- Upload your products photos to Flickr, Fotolog and more.
- Tag your photos at Flickr.
- Join and participate in Kaboodle. Add in as much products in Kaboodle as possible.
- Bookmark all your stores, websites, blogs, lenses at and more.
- StumbleUpon your stores, websites, blogs, lenses and more.
- Give positive and useful reviews in StumbleUpon and more. Do not spam.
- Exchange links with your competitors.
- Write and submit press releases/articles.
- Give good and useful comments in other people guestbooks. Do not spam.
- Hold an online contest on your stores, websites lenses or blogs. Give away your products with your links as presents.
- Get other bloggers to write about your products. Example: PayPerPost.
- If you are willing to pay for advertisement, use Adwords, Kontera and more.
- Create niche websites/lenses for your mega store.
- Join affiliate programs and get affiliates to sell your products for you. Example: ShareASale, Commission Junction,LinkShare and more.
- Design standard banners with all kinds of sizes. Give your affiliates plenty of choices. Check Standard Banner Sizes for your reference.
- Email your affiliates about your latest promotions and discount coupons so that your affiliates will know what to do with them.
- Add a poll to your websites, stores, lenses and blogs. You can get free polls at Pollhost or Vizu.
- Create a page and archive all your old polls in your website, store and blog.
- Join and participate Twitter.
- Add Twitter to all your blogs, websites, stores, lenses and more.
- Include Twitter application in your Facebook, lenses, blogs, websites, stores and more.
- Join and participate in discussion groups. Example, MySpace, Yahoo Groups, Google Groups, Facebook,Kaboodle, and many many more.
- Start an internet war related to your products/stores. Do not offend anybody/company/brand/products. Be creative.
- Announce your internet war via discussion groups, blogs, Twitter, StumbleUpon, popular forums and anywhere you can think of.
- Be a contributor on Yahoo Answers,, AllExperts, Wiki Answers, MyLot, and many more.
- Get your friends and family members to include your websites/blogs/stores/lenses URL in their blogs. Get them to talk about your products for free. Treat them to lunch for doing that.
- Create some useful software that advertise your stores/websites/blogs/lenses and distribute for free on your website.
- Create interesting and fun application that advertise your websites/stores/blogs/lenses. Distribute these application for free. Example: ticker, avatars, banners, etc.
- Run an online forum/bulletin board.
- Offer freebies with purchases. Make sure your freebies have your stores/blogs/websites/lenses URL on them.
- Offer special discount coupons for their next purchase.
- If you have created an interesting website/article/lens/or anything that you think it deserve more attention, submit them to BuzzFeed, Plaxo, Tumblr and more.
- Exchange links with yourself. Example: Your own blogs, websites, lenses, stores and more. Exchange only related links.
- If you have design your websites/blogs/stores yourself and you think that your design is fantastic, submit your websites/blogs/stores to website design competitions.
- Write an ebook related to your products and advertise your websites/blogs/stores/lenses in your book. Distribute your ebook for free or allow reseller right.
Step 8. In Advance
Sometimes we have days when we have tons of work to do and sometimes we have not really busy ones. Why am I saying it? Use the valuable time you have during the days you are not really busy. Where can you invest your time? Preparation!
I have gathered several tips below based on my experience on what was better to have in advance at hand when I needed that and investing time properly is always good:
- if you are a blogger (prepare and save or even schedule your posts in advance)
- prepare topics on the paper you want to write about and write the posts when you have a free minute to do that
- prepare pics and posts for social networks where your business is present, schedule them
- install hootsuite, for example for the scheduling purposes (actually all in one place and basic package is free)
- prepare photos of your products with description
- prepare mailing information
- have a look at upcoming online and offline events and contests
- make a calendar and schedule and plan to take part in them
- prepare a small catalog of your products and services
- think on marketing campaigns and topics
- search valuable information for you
- think on strategic grown (how you plan to sell, where, how to increase sales, etc)
Monday, 28 April 2014
Name for your business. 7 Very Good Tips
1. The name needs to sound good when it's said aloud.I'm a big fan of alliteration, using words that start with the same consonant, Coca-Cola or Jimmy John's. Just make sure to say it aloud -- a lot -- and make sure this isn't a "she sells seashells on the seashore" situation. People need to say the name on the radio, a video or in conversation.
2. Use a name that has meaning to it and conveys a benefit. If you heard it you'd know right away what it is. For example, my first "real" book was called, "Moonlighting on the Internet." The word "moonlighting" instantly conveyed that this was about using the Internet in your spare time to make extra money. Also make sure the name isn't too generic. Personally, I think Boston Chicken made a mistake when it changed its name to Boston Market. Don't try to be everything to everybody with your name.
3. Avoid Web 2.0-ish syndrome. I still don't know if you spell Flickr with an "er" or not. And I definitely have no idea how to spell without looking it up. This sort of mildly dyslexic spelling is so last decade. Potential customers for your new venture of "Computer4You" should be able to easily look up the name, and they shouldn't be asking whether a "you" is a "u."
4. Beware initials. They are so boring. Yes, IBM and 3M have gotten away with initials, but these are multibillion-dollar corporations that have been around for decades. You can do the same when you've brought in billions of dollars over a hundred years. Until then, rely on a name that is interesting.
5. Use specifics. Don't use a generic name that doesn't mean anything. I like names that take advantage of details such as numbers and days. My buddy Tim Ferriss found a pretty specific and compelling name for his book "The 4-Hour Work Week." Other titles that use numbers to focus in on specifics include "8 Minute Abs" and "5-hour Energy."
6. Make sure you can trademark the name. Depending on how big you want to build the brand, this is an important consideration. It's worth it to check -- or a new site -- before settling on a name.
7. Test it out on Google AdWords. One of the great features of the "find keywords" tool onAdWords is that it will list similar search phrases, along with how many global and local monthly searches each are getting. Some AdWords searches with the name you are considering can ensure there isn't a slightly different name out there that might get more attention on the Internet.
If you really want to get advanced, try to come up with a name that could be eventually used as a verb, or lends itself to the creation of your own "language." People who go to TED, the conference for Tech, Education and Design, now call themselves "TEDsters." My company, Maverick Business Adventures, recalls "Maverick Moments" stories about happenings during a trip.
by Yanik Silver
14 Books Every Entrepreneur Should Read in '14 (from Entrepreneur)
Whether they're battle-tested veterans or fresh-faced newbies, entrepreneurs undergo an intense learning process when establishing and launching a business. Even those who've been through it before typically face a certain amount of uncertainty. That's why it's critical that they learn as much as possible about their specific area of business as well as entrepreneurship as a whole.
Probably thousands of books offer business, leadership or startup advice, but we've narrowed it down to just 14. Entrepreneurs and all those fascinated by startups should find the time to read these titles this year during their travels:
1. The Innovator's Dilemma: The Revolutionary Book That Will Change The Way You Do Business by Clayton M. Christenen, 1997. Harvard professor Clayton Christensen, who has founded a handful of companies of his own over the years, delivered one of the most respected and useful books for entrepreneurs 17 years ago. Its power lies in the assertion that even though things are done correctly, a company can still vanish.
Other takeaways from this modern-day classic are insights about when a businessperson should not listen to customers, the appropriate times to select smaller markets over larger ones and the right moment to invest in development of lower-performance products.
2. The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses by Eric Ries, 2011. Whether an entrepreneur is a business veteran who has experienced the highs and lows of the great dotcom bubble or a young, inexperienced newcomer, a long-standing set of rules and suggestions are typically offered for certain scenarios, such aswhen it's wise to turn to a focus group or just remain optimistic.
Entrepreneur Eric Ries went in a different direction. Instead of listening to that coveted focus group, watch the customers inside, he advised. He has served as an entrepreneur in residence at Harvard Business School.
3. The E-Myth Revisited by Michael E. Gerber, 1995. For more than 40 years Michael Gerber has assisted thousands of small businesses. In his 1995 update of his 1986 underground classic, The E Myth: Why Most Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It, Gerber argued that despite entrepreneurs coming up with great ideas, rarely do they make for good businesspeople. To help prevent readers from making fatal mistakes, Gerber presented in an easily understood book an effective business model to guide entrepreneurs at all stages of growth.
4. The Four Steps to the Epiphany by Steve Gary Blank, 2005. When the tech boom began in Silicon Valley in 1978, Steven Blank was on the scene. Although he retired in 1999, Blank had accumulated a wealth of knowledge that he shared in the bestselling The Four Steps to the Epiphany. In this must-read for those launching tech startups, Blank clearly outlined how to organize sales and marketing, discover flaws and test assumptions.
5. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie, 1936. This book has been called the “grandfather of all people-skills books” because it has been assisting everyone from the rich and famous to successful business leaders for more than 80 years. The reason that this title remains useful and popular is because it describes techniques for handling other people, like six ways to get people to like you, 12 ways to encourage others to buy into your thinking or nine ways to change people's minds without any resentment.
6. Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman, 2011. A psychologist and Nobel Prize winner in economics, Daniel Kahneman provided this bestselling explanation of how people think -- describing the fast, intuitive and emotional System 1 and the slower, more deliberative and more logical System 2. By understanding these systems, readers can learn to think things out more slowly instead of acting on an impulse.
7. Venture Deals: Be Smarter Than Your Lawyer and Venture Capitalist by Brad Feld and Jason Mendelson, 2013. The authors Brad Feld and Jason Mendelson have been involved with venture capital financing for more than two decades. They applied their experiences and knowledge of venture financing to develop a term sheet and tips about how to strike a favorable deal.
This second edition of their 2011 book provided updates and discusses new topics, such as convertible debt financing. It's a great resource for understanding the thought processes and strategies of venture capitalists.
8. The Startup of You: Adapt to the Future, Invest in Yourself, and Transform Your Careerby Reid Hoffman, 2012. Written by LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman and author Ben Casnocha, this book gives entrepreneurial hopefuls advice on how to thrive in the fast-paced and ever-changing networked world. The most important lesson from Hoffman and Casnocha, however, is how to take control of yourself to make the most out of your life, career and business.
9. The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business by Charles Duhigg, 2012. This book became a bestseller on the lists of USA Today and The New York Times. The reason? It’s a fascinating study by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Charles Duhigg, a reporter forThe New York Times, on how our habits predict not only life-changing events but also the behavior of consumers.
10. Big Bang Disruption: Strategy in the Age of Devastating Innovation by Larry Downes and Paul Nunes, 2014. The entire cycle of innovation has been disrupted thanks to technology. The world has begun to focus on goods delivered with the help software, such as smartphone applications.
While authors Larry Downes and Paul Dunes, both experts in the tech world, break the bad news about technology disruption to potential entrepreneurs, they also offer key advice about how to survive and compete in this fast-paced world. The bad news for entrepreneurs is that instead of sitting back and making money with technology, they are really going to have to work: The tech world is moving so fast that if companies don’t innovate, they're going to become obsolete overnight.
11. Hackers & Painters: Big Ideas from the Computer Age by Paul Graham, 2004. In an age profoundly affected by computers and new technology, author Paul Graham advised, business owners should understand and embrace this arena, which he called “an intellectual Wild West,” or their startups will likely never take flight. Graham, who created the Yahoo Store, provided a collection of essays that offer a better understanding of everything from the impact of the open source movement to website design.
12. The Wisdom of Failure: How to Learn the Tough Leadership Lessons Without Paying the Price by Laurence G. Weinzimmer and Jim McConoughey, 2012. While many books present advice about how to successfully become an entrepreneur or businessperson, this book goes in a different direction. Essentially, this is a “how-not to” guide, exploring the failures of individuals and companies through a seven-year study. Learning from these mistakes, readers might discover what to avoid.
13. Ignore Everybody: and 39 Other Keys to Creativity by Hugh MacLeod, 2009. In his first book, Hugh MacLeod gave readers a glimpse into his thoughts on marketing and life itself.The lion's share of the book, however is devoted to the importance of creativity. Throughout the book MacLeod detailed why it’s vital to be original and how to convert creativity into a successful business. He also made use of his popular cartoons to further illustrate his argument.
14. The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement by Eliyahu M. Goldratt, 1984. This selection is not the typical business book. Instead it’s a novel that traces the path of plant manager Alex Rogo, who discovers the author’s Theory of Constraints. There are many lessons to be drawn from this novel, but all underscore a common theme: how to make decisions to succeed in management and business.
Bonus book: Entrepreneurial DNA: The Breakthrough Discovery that Aligns Your Business to Your Unique Strengths by Joe Abraham, 2011. Having launched more than 20 companies, Joe Abraham mined his own experiences so that prospective entrepreneurs could find success. He invites his audience to answer some key questions like what kind of entrepreneur are you, what are your strengths and weakness and who are the people you’re working with. By answering these questions, readers can discover how to succeed and stand apart from other entrepreneurs.
Step 7. Manage Your E-mail Wisely
Your mail is a helper and thief because it can steal your valuable time. Make sure it's more your helper :)
E-mail can help you in delivering information and also getting information for your business. It can be a good networking tool when you use in properly:
- target right people
- send short and informative mails
- you tell what you want
- you show why people need to react
- people find "what is in it for me" part
- people see value in saving your contact details
As a short tips summary:
- stick to your e-mail checking schedule
- respond strategically to the important mails first
- check mistakes
- respond when you feel your response is objective and has all information in it
- keep mails in folders to find them quicker
- keep Inbox folder e-mail amount max of 25
And some other tips:
Improve your e-mail life with these little-known tools suggested by IT specialists at three of the top e-mail providers.
Gmail: Undo SendDidn’t mean to hit Send? You have 30 seconds to nab back that e-mail. So get a move on!
Yahoo: Disposable Addresses
If you hate giving your e-mail address to random websites, create an alternate address that routes messages to your real in-box. If the spare address gets spammed, you can simply delete it.
Yahoo: Disposable Addresses
If you hate giving your e-mail address to random websites, create an alternate address that routes messages to your real in-box. If the spare address gets spammed, you can simply delete it. Sweep
This feature lets you trash every message in your in-box from one sender (say, your ex or Groupon). Sweep
This feature lets you trash every message in your in-box from one sender (say, your ex or Groupon).
How-to: Go to Settings, then Labs, then click Enable under Undo Send. Whew!
How-to: Go to the gear wheel in the right corner and click on Settings, then Security, then Disposable Addresses.
How-to: Open one of the sender’s e-mails, click on Sweep at the top of the screen, then hit Delete All From.
Sunday, 27 April 2014
Step 6. Family/Work/Life Balance..exists?
So many article written on that. No need really to come back and repeat. I just really wanted to post something cool. Well I do find it cool because it makes you stop for a while and think. Whatever makes you think, makes you live, especially if it goes about important things in life.
Once I have come across a very interesting article I want to share with you in a moment. Simple thoughts are most powerful. They reach the conscious part of your brain and make it rethink and "re-size" things in life.
Coca Cola’s Former CEO, Bryan Dyson, gives a great 30 second speech: Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling some five balls in the air. They are Work, Family, Health, friends and Spirit and you’re keeping all of these in the air.
You will soon understand that work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back. But the other four Balls – Family, Health, Friends and Spirit – are made of glass. If you drop one of these they will be irrevocably scuffed, marked, nicked, damaged or even shattered. They will never be the same. You must understand that and strive for it.
Work efficiently during office hours and leave on time. Give the required time to your family, friends & have proper rest.
Value has a value only if it’s value is valued.
You will soon understand that work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back. But the other four Balls – Family, Health, Friends and Spirit – are made of glass. If you drop one of these they will be irrevocably scuffed, marked, nicked, damaged or even shattered. They will never be the same. You must understand that and strive for it.
Work efficiently during office hours and leave on time. Give the required time to your family, friends & have proper rest.
Value has a value only if it’s value is valued.
.. and my point to add here is: this balance exists. You are the one to set up priority in life and make choices, your choices.
The size of the business you start and the speed of it growth depends on you however without support of your relatives and friends it is not worth it.
Your life is your choice.
Saturday, 26 April 2014
Step 5. Making Mistakes is Important
Whatever you do they are there :) Why with a smile? Be positive! Everything that happens, happens for a reason and the main reason for any mistake to happen is to show to you: that's the wrong way to do things and it gives you an opportunity to find out the right one, to learn something you haven't thought about. I take every single mistake as an opportunity to improve.
No matter what happens to you in life is neutral. That you and only you who makes it positive or negative. Look always at positive side, learn and do better next time.
When you happened to make a mistake, calm down first. Panicking you won't find the right way to correct things. Take a deep breath and think objectively. Write down corrective actions and find those, you feel to be most effective. Remember, you are the key element and good thing is if the lesson with the mistake was effective enough, you won't repeat it again! ;)
Here come some positive things to look at:
Highly Recommended for Reading and Good Mood
How These 10 Marketing Campaigns Became Viral Hits
from DY: Inner Child is COOL!!
Getting your brand noticed via social media grows more difficult with each passing day. Users upload 100 hours of video to YouTube every 60 seconds and share more than 4.75 billion pieces of content on Facebook every 24 hours. Add to that 500 million new tweets per day, and the chances of breaking through to a wider audience can seem virtually nonexistent.
But smart, savvy companies of all sizes are still exploding into the mainstream consciousness by creating campaigns that compel consumers to share content with their social graphs. Some campaigns are hilarious; others are heartbreaking. But all contain triggers that get people talking, says Jonah Berger, marketing professor at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and author of the bestseller Contagious: Why Things Catch On.
"Emotion is one factor that drives sharing. We see lots of funny stuff go viral on YouTube, but we also see angry political rants get shared," Berger says. "Any emotion that fires us up--humor, awe and excitement, but also anger and anxiety--drives us to share."
Social media is also the great equalizer: Any company can cut through the clutter, regardless of brand awareness or marketing budget. All it takes is a clever idea and skillful execution. These 10 campaigns are proof.
Friday, 25 April 2014
5 Tips for Targeting Your Ideal Start-Up Customer
There's a big difference between visitors and customers.
The logic is simple: Would you rather your startup have 10,000 monthly visitors to its site with a 10 percent sales conversion or attract the attention of 100,000 visitors with only a few finally deciding to buy from you?
This question, as simplistic as it is, remains a big source of frustration for many online entrepreneurs. They often invest a lot of time, energy and finances to drive traffic to their sites, only to find out these people are not even the ones they want to fish out in the first place.
So how can you steer clear from the many traps of aimless traffic generation? Here are five tips:
1. Be a problem solver. You have to admit that at least part of business success has to do with the timeliness of your products or services. You must answer people's needs. The key is settling into a business that has problems you really love to solve, with customers whose pressing needs you are very good at addressing. When you’re able to identify your niche, you don’t only go out there to earn, you have a unique passion and an offering that suits the needs of those people.
2. Get into your customers' psyche. People buy not only because they need things, they often buy to satisfy something deeper in them. It’s often the feeling they associate with a product that they finally make the decision to buy. Everybody needs a pair of shoes, but not just any shoes can satisfy that need. This is when branding, reputation and customer service come into play. In fact, this is why there is marketing in the first place. Get into what excites and interests your target market. This is the only way you can tailor-fit your campaign to the people who would not think twice of paying for what you have to offer.
3. Where are your customers? In online marketing, determining how your market interacts with the Internet is very important. It gives you leads to "where" they are online. Online behavior can point you to what sites they frequent, the social-media networks they prefer, the news they’re more likely to read and so on. If you know where they are, you can be sure to focus on places you need to have a commanding presence. This assures you of a steady stream of traffic of ready-to-pay customers, and it prevents you from effectively barking up the wrong tree. We all know how costly and time consuming that can be.
4. Do you really know them? To really pinpoint who your target customer is, you'll want to dig in deep… find out how they tick, if you will. The key is to learn about them, even change with them over time. So basically, this means you can't just buy one customer list and operate off that in perpetuity. You'll need to continuously find out about your target audience. Are they reading things you should be reading? Do they shop at stores you've never heard of? All of these puzzle pieces could fit together and help you identify the bigger customer picture, if you're willing to spend time accumulating them.
5. Close in on the deal. Once you know your customers and understanding where they are and how they think, you can specifically design an online marketing campaign that appeals to those people who would love to pay for your products or services. By being a problem solver, you’re forced to know yourself and understand your brand's strengths and weaknesses. But understanding who you want to engage with online really seals the success of your business.
Procrastination Fight
Some things we do
with pleasure and some we prefer to postpone delay or forget. Procrastination is the practice of carrying out less urgent tasks in
preference to more urgent ones, or doing more pleasurable things in place of
less pleasurable ones, and thus putting off impending tasks to a later time,
sometimes to the "last minute" before the deadline.
Several tips for you
on that:
- · Take the first step no matter how small
- · Focus on starting to act rather than on finishing task
- · Divide big tasks into small and set up a plan to complete them
- · Start your day with doing something you have delayed before in first place
- · There is never enough time: give yourself a deadline for task completion
- · Covert research syndrome into action by taking notes on paper
- · Fight distractions
- · Fight fatigue and motivate yourself with a reward after you finish.
Small test for you is
to check how far you are from fighting procrastination.
Simply cross out YES
or NO box for each question.
Your favorite thing
to do and what you do everyday coincide.
You know exactly what
is important for you this very moment.
You see your goals
You have all necessary
resources to fulfill what you do.
You can and you make
decisions and you can delegate if you need.
You are not afraid
of mistakes.
Changes are always
for better.
Results of the test:
If all the answers to
the questions are marked as YES, well done! You are quite successful in fighting
procrastination. Keep on going!
If you have still several
NO answers marked, have a closer look where are the weak points and work on them.
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