Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Step 1. We Plan the Work then Work the Plan

As I have decided to describe the steps on how to build you own business. Here you go with the first one. 
When you want to do something you plan either on paper or in your mind. Even arranging a party, you put a little plan on paper what to buy, what to do, who to invite, etc. And that's the way to go.
When you plan your own business make sure to sit down and do the following:

  1. Plan what you do (products, services)
  2. Plan the name of your business (preferably short, remarkable, easy to memorize)
  3. Plan events to visit to spread the word
  4. Plan social media to use to spread the word
  5. Plan you virtual presence (in case you plan offline presence, tick the box there as well)
  6. Plan how much money you can invest
  7. Plan how much time you can invest
  8. Plan: Which skills you have? Which you need for implementation of your project? Where to get them from? At which cost?
Try to make your plan clear, using notebook, using pen, highlighting and going into details (why? because better to imagine little obstacles straight away and try to find the solution for them rather then facing them+those you haven't thought about as well and trying to find all possible ways out). Try to put clear steps and actions in place.

When you feel you are done, go ahead and work your plan they way you put in on paper :)

Surfing the internet I have found this very useful and interesting matrix for planning (sorry lost the source). Find it really nice and clear with instructions. Handy thing for your thinking arrangements!

And last but not least, I always try to plan several ways of reaction on different obstacles and try to leave them on the paper. You never know and even the most perfect memory is never 100% perfect. And I love the idea of having plan A, plan B etc. There are so many letters in the ABC, just be optimistic and write down your great ideas!

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