There are so many ways you can promote and advertise your online shops. It is crazy to follow them all. Select those that you are comfortable with and start your internet marketing now. I will be adding on to the list whenever I come across new ways to promote your store.
- Submit your stores/websites to search engines. Example: Dmoz, Google, MSN and many more.
- Put your websites/blogs/stores/lenses links in your email signature. Make sure that your friends/family members/employees email signatures have your links too.
- Forward interesting information, news, photos, videos, jokes, sad stories and all kinds of junk mails to your friends. Your friends will forward these mails to their friends. Make sure that you forward these mails to friends that like to receive them, not to those that hate junk mails.
- Put your websites/blogs/stores/lenses links in your forum signature. Make sure the forum that you have joined allow that.
- Join and participate in niche forums related to your products.
- Use a funny/attention seeking user name whenever you register for a social networking site/forum/Squidoo and more.
- Create lenses with Squidoo. Make one lens for your store and make different lenses for your different products. Link all related lenses together.
- Make useful comments on other people lenses. Your user name will links back to your "My Squidoo" page which links to all your lenses. Do not spam.
- Submit your new lenses to Reddit, Digg, Stumpedia and more.
- Use Lensroll at your side bar of your lens to lensroll related lenses to your lenses.
- Join and participate in Friendster, MySpace, Multiply, Xanga, Facebook, and more
- Build a fan page in Facebook.
- Make your own video about your products or stores. Remember to put your links in your video.
- Use keywords, descriptions, in your video file name and submission.
- Submit your videos to Metacafe, YouTube, MySpace, Digg Videos,, AOL Video, Google Video, GoFish,Vimeo, Yahoo Video and more.
- Create a video sitemap on your store/websites when you have a few videos. Make a lens about your videos.
- Add your video to your stores, websites and blogs.
- Create and blog
about your products and stores. Example: Blogger, MySpace, Wordpress and more.
- Feed and ping your store blogs. Icerocket, BlogExplosion, Technorati, Weblogalot, Pingomatic, Pingoat, and more.
- Offer different RSS/social bookmarking option on your blog. Example:, StumbleUpon and more.
- Use good keywords in your blog titles.
- Submit your store blogs to blog directory. Example: BlogExplosion, Weblog Directory, We Blog A Lot, and many many more.
- Post useful, honest, comments on other niche blogs related to your products or stores. Do not spam.
- Make sure that your posting on your blog is fresh. Keep updating.
- Create a podcast about your products and store.
- Submit your podcast to iTunes, Odeo, Podcast Alley, PodOmatic and more.
- Create newsletters for your store. You may want to host with MailChimp or YourMailingListProvider. I am usingMailChimp and I am loving it. You can see some of my newsletters here.
- Offer freebies or special sales to newsletter subscribers when they sign up.
- Include discount coupons, sale and promotion, new products, feature products, holidays and events products in your newsletters. Remember to include your store address.
- Keep an archive of your old newsletters in your store.
- Promise your newsletter subscribers that you will not sell, share their email with outside parties and you will not spam them before they sign up.
- Let your subscribers know how often you will send them your newsletters before they sign up.
- Put your newsletters opt-in form on your store/blog/lenses/websites.
- Submit your products and stores to classifieds. Put your advertisement on areas where most of your customers came from. Example: Ebay Classified, ABW, Craigslist and more.
- Look for niche classifieds for your products. Submit to them.
- Submit your product feed to Google Merchant Center.
- Upload your products photos to Flickr, Fotolog and more.
- Tag your photos at Flickr.
- Join and participate in Kaboodle. Add in as much products in Kaboodle as possible.
- Bookmark all your stores, websites, blogs, lenses at and more.
- StumbleUpon your stores, websites, blogs, lenses and more.
- Give positive and useful reviews in StumbleUpon and more. Do not spam.
- Exchange links with your competitors.
- Write and submit press releases/articles.
- Give good and useful comments in other people guestbooks. Do not spam.
- Hold an online contest on your stores, websites lenses or blogs. Give away your products with your links as presents.
- Get other bloggers to write about your products. Example: PayPerPost.
- If you are willing to pay for advertisement, use Adwords, Kontera and more.
- Create niche websites/lenses for your mega store.
- Join affiliate programs and get affiliates to sell your products for you. Example: ShareASale, Commission Junction,LinkShare and more.
- Design standard banners with all kinds of sizes. Give your affiliates plenty of choices. Check Standard Banner Sizes for your reference.
- Email your affiliates about your latest promotions and discount coupons so that your affiliates will know what to do with them.
- Add a poll to your websites, stores, lenses and blogs. You can get free polls at Pollhost or Vizu.
- Create a page and archive all your old polls in your website, store and blog.
- Join and participate Twitter.
- Add Twitter to all your blogs, websites, stores, lenses and more.
- Include Twitter application in your Facebook, lenses, blogs, websites, stores and more.
- Join and participate in discussion groups. Example, MySpace, Yahoo Groups, Google Groups, Facebook,Kaboodle, and many many more.
- Start an internet war related to your products/stores. Do not offend anybody/company/brand/products. Be creative.
- Announce your internet war via discussion groups, blogs, Twitter, StumbleUpon, popular forums and anywhere you can think of.
- Be a contributor on Yahoo Answers,, AllExperts, Wiki Answers, MyLot, and many more.
- Get your friends and family members to include your websites/blogs/stores/lenses URL in their blogs. Get them to talk about your products for free. Treat them to lunch for doing that.
- Create some useful software that advertise your stores/websites/blogs/lenses and distribute for free on your website.
- Create interesting and fun application that advertise your websites/stores/blogs/lenses. Distribute these application for free. Example: ticker, avatars, banners, etc.
- Run an online forum/bulletin board.
- Offer freebies with purchases. Make sure your freebies have your stores/blogs/websites/lenses URL on them.
- Offer special discount coupons for their next purchase.
- If you have created an interesting website/article/lens/or anything that you think it deserve more attention, submit them to BuzzFeed, Plaxo, Tumblr and more.
- Exchange links with yourself. Example: Your own blogs, websites, lenses, stores and more. Exchange only related links.
- If you have design your websites/blogs/stores yourself and you think that your design is fantastic, submit your websites/blogs/stores to website design competitions.
- Write an ebook related to your products and advertise your websites/blogs/stores/lenses in your book. Distribute your ebook for free or allow reseller right.
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